the Homosexual
by D. Mauroc
Since the homosexual of the 20th Century stands in revolt against the Christian-bourgeois morality based upon Biblical concepts of family and sin, by what contradiction is ostracized by so-called progressive movements more so than during the most reactionary period? I might reverse the question and inquire by what aberration today's progressives, who condemn homosexuality as free union, have come to inherit such philosophical and social prejudices, but it is not my purpose to talk politics...
The one sure fact is that, in relation to the revolution of the 20th Century, the homosexual remains the only permanent element of disintegration among the Catholic bourgeoisie, and at the same time. the most rebellious resistant to the socialistic collectivism which claims to succeed it.
An aristocrat by his individualism, a revolutionary against all societies, the homosexual is both the Jew and Negro of our world, the precurse and the unassimilable, the terrorist and the raffiné. Successively even simultaneously, he is accused of fascism in spite of Nazi camps and rose stars and of bourgeois decadence despite the growing censure of church and state, Nevertheless he remains at the people's side like a gangrene, which may be a growth on the decomposing body or the very cause of its contamination.
Isolation is impossible. A society gets the homosexuals it deserves! But it is equally difficult to avoid a suggestive comparison between ancient Greece and modern France, for example... a comparison which is not to France's credit.
Homosexuality is a courageous and terrible choice, engaging a conduct no less difficult. No one today would dream of pleading the playful vice of Nero or Henry III. In the long run, the only real choice for the homosexual is between his redemption as a free man or his own annihilation.
It is this idea of the free man that I should like to consider. In "Les Chemins de la Liberté" Sartre indicates the tragic resemblance between he who hides and he who dons a caricatural death-mask (his own or the woman's) the case of the homosexual in suicide and the "respectful prostitute".
With complete consciousness, without shame and without exhibitionism, wholly adhering to his tastes and attitudes, the homosexual